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Showing posts from March, 2013
T  h  e    W  i  n  t  e  r     of     A   i   r     “ Sometimes you’re 23 and standing in the kitchen of your house making breakfast and brewing coffee and listening to music that for some reason is really getting to your heart. You’re just standing there, thinking about going to work and picking up your dry cleaning. And also more exciting things like books you’re reading and trips you plan on taking and relationships that are springing into existence. Or fading from your memory, which is far less exciting. And suddenly you just don’t feel at home in your skin or in your house and you just want home. Back to the safety of Mothers and Fathers, sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles, cats and dogs.  You start to think about the comfort of a number that used to be saved in your phone, and ears that listened everyday and arms that were never for anyone else, but you. But just to calm you do...
Because you don't want to sound neolithic when throwing a temper tantrum...
Dr. Susana Case, Professor of behavioural Sciences at NYIT  This was probably one of the most charming review requests I've received to date. I'm pretty keen to get started on this because I've not yet had the chance to review Poetry books, so this'll be an interesting 'change o' scenery.' Susana offered to send me a hardcover copy of ' Elvis Presley's Lips & Mick Jagger's Hips', but as tempting as the offer was, I had to decline out of fear for the well being of my book shelf! I'm not sure it could handle anymore books right now... So a PDF will have to do. (insert sad face here.) Shame though, would have made a nice little keepsake to add to the collection! If you'd like to find out more about the book, or any of her previous books, please check out the links below! That's it for now. Until next time! Happy reading. Susana Case on Goodreads:
EXCITING NEWS! One of my dear Goodreads friends from Russia, Marina Latcko,  has also just finished a novel, which is now exclusively available on Amazon ! (And won't you trust me when I say it is definitely worth checking out!)   Find the download link below: And what could be better than an awesome new book for your beloved Kindle? Yep, you guessed it.......  a FREE Kindle book! Oh yes!

Review request by D.D Chant, Author of debut Novel 'Broken City'

Review request by D.D Chant, Author of debut Novel 'Broken City' Message from D.D  message 11:  by  D.D. 3 hours, 36 min ago Hi Cait! I have 3 novels that I would love you to review, they are:  Broken City ,  Fracture  and  The Promise , I can provide e-book copies through smashwords if you're interested. :-D  -  I've been a little busy these past couple of weeks and work has been quiet, but with the new week comes new strength and energy, right?  RIGHT.  This Monday has already been a blast so far, the exhibition I went to earlier was pretty successful (plus, free wine and nibbles are always an added bonus to the fun) and my inbox has been pilling up with review requests all day! Can you say,                            happy face?  It's just really great to be around so many like minded people. We should all ju...
He who fears to suffer, suffers from fear .                                                                                                        - Sarah Alderson                          
Collaboration with Jakleen Oltremari (Cue excitement!) So it has finally been confirmed that I'll be collaborating with the incredibly talented Jakleen Oltremari this month.  (for anyone wondering, Jakleen is an aspiring author from Guam, a little island in the pacific ocean.)  Yep, so that's happening. So after feeling almost drunk with excitement for the past couple of days, we've finally managed to work out a few of the character backgrounds. Can't say much about the idea yet, but we'll keep you updated once we've outlined the story a little further!  But fear not, we have a little teaser at the ready and we're eager to share with you guys! ( remember, it's still very early on, so this is really just a non edited draft!) More exciting updates to come! Teaser: She said, “I’m not good enough for you,” Well maybe that was true in some alternate universe where the sky was green and the grass was blue and cars h...
Book of the day: Marked as to read 

RE: liked review

Review on 'The Fallen'

Well this is one is gonna be a tough one to write, but here we go.  Usually,  Sorensen's  books are pretty high up on my list of YA favourites, her books are sweet and usually highly entertaining, however... it saddens me to say, that I don't think 'The fallen' is gonna make the cut. The story started out sweet and mysterious enough, although with a somewhat familiar plot line.  Social outcast and protagonist Gemma walks through life unable to feel any kind of emotion, she's hollow and completely numb to anything going on around her.. until she meets deuteragonist Alexander Watson who the Author constantly refers to as being ' hunky ' & ' drop dead gorgeous ' ... (Sound familiar yet?)  Did I mention how much that phrase irritates me?  And for the first time in her life little Gemma actually starts to feel something, an electrifying warmth overcomes her whenever Alexander is near her, coupled with an indescribable want to be close to him.. ...

RE: Review by Sandra Pierce

by  Cait   (last edited Feb 20, 2013 07:41pm)  -  rated it  5  stars Feb 20, 2013 07:30pm I entirely disagree with the review, I thought Margie and  Kami Garcia  did a brilliant job, and even though I respect her opinion, I think it is still a little unfair and disrespectful to be, may I say, as blunt as that. If a book's not your thing, fair enough, you're free to write as many honest reviews as you'd like, go nuts, but you may want to consider being a little more tactful. (and preferable work on your linguistic skills, but that's a different matter entirely) you can be honest and express your views in a constructive and concise manner, there's no need to flat out rude, but I guess that might just be me. I just always thinks it's unfair on the people who've put so much effort and love into something that it's worth to take a step back and consider what you're about to do. (Sure, yer can't please everyone, but c'mon) Anywho, I ag...