Review request by D.D Chant, Author of debut Novel 'Broken City'

Hi Cait!
I have 3 novels that I would love you to review, they are: Broken City, Fracture and The Promise, I can provide e-book copies through smashwords if you're interested. :-D
Message from D.D
message 11: by D.D.
Hi Cait!
I have 3 novels that I would love you to review, they are: Broken City, Fracture and The Promise, I can provide e-book copies through smashwords if you're interested. :-D
I've been a little busy these past couple of weeks and work has been quiet, but with the new week comes new strength and energy, right?
This Monday has already been a blast so far, the exhibition I went to earlier was pretty successful (plus, free wine and nibbles are always an added bonus to the fun) and my inbox has been pilling up with review requests all day! Can you say,
happy face?
happy face?
It's just really great to be around so many like minded people. We should all just form a tight community and live on an island together. (man, did I really just say that? Yes, Yes I did.) Because frankly, we're all pretty cool cats if you ask me. I mean being a story teller for a living? C'mon, I for one, really couldn't think of a better deal.
Could you?