So it's May and I've got a couple of exciting things coming up!
I'll finally be posting the review for 'Elvis Presley's Lips and Mick Jaggers Hips' by wonderfully talented Susana Case.
I've been feeling quite bad about my having to leave the book (or PDF rather) for so long, but I've had a couple of papers due and desperately needed to sort myself out, but now that we've just had our last presentation yesterday, I'll hopefully be a little less occupied. Just one more deadline next week I believe and I'll have all the time in the world to throw myself into this!
Secondly, I'll also be posting the review for 'Broken City' by D. D Chant, which I also had to delay for same reasons.
I'll also be working with Jackleen on some further outlining for our story. So far, we've hardly had time to move forward as both of more pressing matters to attend to, but we WILL get there. ( In the mean time, keep re-reading the little extract I posted a little while ago... Pretty please?)
And Last but certainly not least I'll be conducting an interview with Justin Bienvenue
Author of 'A bloody mess in the Wild Wild West and The Macabre Masterpiece: Poems of Horror and Gore.
The interview with Justin should be up by next week sometime, so stay tuned!
Meanwhile, do check out his books on his Goodreads profile.
That's it for now folks, have a good weekend!