Hello everyone,
It is the 6th of March today (for a couple more hours anyways!) which of course means World Book day is finally here.
And because it's World Book day, families all over the country are celebrating. Celebrating what you ask?
BOOKS OF COURSE!! And what could be better than celebrating all the lovely authors out there, who work so hard to bring us our next favourite book and lets also not forget all the hardworking, super illustrators.
So today, I went out and had a little look around my local book stores and my, my! I found some wonderful books. Particularly picture books- MY WERE THOSE GORGEOUS. I almost couldn't contain my excitement and may have even squealed a little bit. While I desperately tried to tone down my excitement my little niece Elsie had already made herself comfortable. I found her sitting next to the picture +Hodder Childrens Books)
books shelf, wilding browsing through David Melling's 'Hello, Hugless Douglas.(
She only had to look at me once with those big brown eyes of hers and I knew exactly we would not leave without it! Perfect World Book Day treat for the little one.
3 hours, 2 books and 3 book stores later, we finally made our way back home to enjoy the rest of the day with our new books.
Great way to spend a thursday if you ask me!

What did YOU do for World Book Day? Tweet us or let us know in the comment! We'd love to hear some fun stories.
Until next time & as always, HAPPY READING!