So I finally picked up the Tahereh Mafi's Shatter Me Series last week... and I'm already half way through the second book.
I remember starting Shatter Me quite a while ago, but couldn't really get into it. Maybe I just wasn't in the right head space, who knows, so I decided to give it a miss for the time being.
I heard so much great stuff about the series, so I knew I had to pick up the series again sometime. Just HAD to and well, I did!
And voila, here we are.
I still had a bit of a hard time getting through the first few chapters of Shatter Me, but did rather enjoy it by the end. HUZZAH
(Review coming soon!) For now, Let me illustrate overall feels with obligatory collection of suitable gifs.
Half way through the second book, I still find myself TEAM TORN. ACK. We'll see how I feel by the end.
Feels at the beginning of the Series:
Half way through Shatter Me:
Really, Warner, REALLLY?
Near the end: Adam, OH ADAM KENT.

OMEGA POINT! NOW we're talking.
Right, I'd better get back to reading now, I hear there's much to look forward to. Thanks Twitter peeps for the heads up! ;)
For now, PLEASE enjoy Xtines review of Unravel Me. My love for her knows no bounds. I mean seriously gurl, we need to be friends ASAP, you hear?
Cheerio guys. Lots of love and HAPPY READING.